Peter Goes to the Gentiles
Acts 10:1–48; Leviticus 11
Family Discussion Questions
- Who are the gentiles? Is there any group of people who you could compare to this group today?
- What does it mean for us that Peter took the gospel to the gentiles?
- When did Peter go to the gentiles? How did he know it was time?
- Where do we need to go with the gospel?
- Why was it such a big deal that Peter was going to the gentiles?
- How does what Peter did fulfill the great commission that we discussed a few weeks ago?
- Which people today are on the outside?
- Share about a time when you’ve taken the good news to someone else.
Additional Resources
Sort – Have a pile of stuffed animals or other animal toys. Let the children sort the animals however they like. After they are sorted, ask them about why they sorted the animals that way. Move on to discuss how God had sorted the animals into clean and unclean animals. Now, put the animals all together to represent how God had taken away the division in the vision he gave Peter.

Instead of candy and treats, this basket is filled with devotions, scripture readings, songs to listen to and activities to do as a family as you prepare your hearts for Easter. Our Family Worship kits for Easter will be available starting March 13th. Registration is required. Watch for a registration link on the CloughKids Facebook page or register today by clicking here.

Join us for a fundraising taco lunch following morning worship on Sunday, March 13th. The suggested donation is $8 / person or $25 / family and can be donated in person that day or online at www.cloughpike.com/give. All proceeds from this lunch will go to help our children and youth attend discipleship camp this summer. Help us to plan appropriately by making a reservation for your family here.
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