Paul Preaches
Ephesians 1:1–14, 4:17–24; Titus 1:1–2:10
Family Discussion Questions
- Who have you heard preach? Where were you?
- What does it mean to preach? How was what Paul did preaching?
- When Paul preached, what were some of his topics?
- Where does preaching take place today? How is that the same or different from the time of Paul?
- Why would someone preach?
- How can we distinguish between someone who is just talking and someone who is preaching?
- Which part of Paul’s preaching do you find most interesting? Why?
- How can you pray for the men who will preach this weekend?
Additional Resources
Help Children Understand Sermons they Sit Through using some practical tips found here.

Instead of candy and treats, this basket is filled with devotions, scripture readings, songs to listen to and activities to do as a family as you prepare your hearts for Easter. Our Family Worship kits for Easter will be available starting March 13th. Registration is required. Watch for a registration link on the CloughKids Facebook page or register today by clicking here.
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