The Plagues of Exodus
This week our classes learned about the plagues of Exodus and how God used them to show His power over the Egyptians. This would be a great opportunity for you to talk to your child this week about how God can use seemingly bad circumstances for good in our lives. Next week, our children will learn about the final of the ten plagues.
Parents’ Night Out
This Friday, we will be having a parents’ night out! If you have not already registered your child, you may register them by clicking here. It will be a great time of fun, food, and fellowship! It’s also a great time for parents to get some peace and quiet or maybe have a nice date without having to worry about childcare.
If you are interested in volunteering, we could always use additional volunteers. You must have gone through a background check with CloughKids in order to volunteer. If you have not yet done so but are interested in stepping up to the plate, please let me know by sending me an email to and I can get you started on the process.
Call for Volunteers!
We are currently looking to fill a few volunteer spots in our Preschool and Nursery areas. This could be anywhere from one Sunday a month to every other week depending on your availability. We have spots that we need to fill during the Sunday School hour as well as during the Worship hour. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, please send me an email so that we can get you plugged in.
CentriKid Information

For those who had previously paid a deposit to send their child to CentriKid this summer, official online Lifeway Registration forms are now available. They can be accessed here. The form will ask you for a REG ID (Registration ID), which for our church is 779412. Please fill out one form for each child who will be attending. If you have any questions, please let me know.
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