Paul’s Early Ministry & Jerusalem Council
Acts 14:1–20, 14:24–28, 15:1–35; Galatians 2:15–21, 5:1–6, 5:13–26
Family Discussion Questions
- Who worked with Paul in his early ministry? Who do you work with to share the gospel?
- What type of reception did Paul receive as he entered new areas and shared the gospel?
- When our message of the gospel is not well received, what can we do?
- Where do you go when you have questions about something related to your faith?
- Why was there division among the people?
- How does division cause problems within the church?
- Describe what Paul did when he returned to be with the disciples? Why does it matter that he shared what they had done?
Additional Resources
On Mission – Do a missions project together as a family. It can be something as simple or involved as you’d like.

Instead of candy and treats, this basket is filled with devotions, scripture readings, songs to listen to and activities to do as a family as you prepare your hearts for Easter. Our Family Worship kits for Easter will be available starting March 13th. Registration is required. Watch for a registration link on the CloughKids Facebook page or register today by clicking here.
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