Christians are Persecuted
Acts 4:1–31, 6:8–15, 7:51–60
Family Discussion Questions
- Who could experience persecution?
- What are some different ways that people can persecute another person? What are some ways we could respond to persecution?
- When did the persecution of Christians begin?
- Where does persecution happen today?
- Why does persecution happen?
- How can we be praying for the Christians who are currently facing persecution?
- Which Bible verses can help us know that God is with us even when things are hard?
- Share about a time when people made fun of you or hurt you because of what you believed. If you haven’t had this happen, discuss a time when you thought that it would maybe happen.
Additional Resources
Map It – Take some time to use a map and show your children the places where persecution of Christians is common today.
Be Prepared – Talking about the persecuted church can be very difficult. Focus on the Family has a great blog post to help you as your frame this topic in a developmentally appropriate way for your children. You can find it here.

Would you try to rehang a towel rack to the wall with white glue? Probably not.
Is your hammer going to help your fix the light switch? Unlikely.
Having the right tools makes all the difference when you are trying to accomplish a job well. Join us as guest speaker Vanessa Wellendorf shares some new tools for your parenting toolbelt. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to come together, talk about parenting and pick up a new tool or two for your arsenal.
CloughKids crawling through non-youth 6th grade will have their own workshop during the adult program. To help make arriving by 9AM easier, the children’s activities will begin with breakfast before digging into some new tools of their own. Registration is required for the children’s activities – Register Here.

Instead of candy and treats, this basket is filled with devotions, scripture readings, songs to listen to and activities to do as a family as you prepare your hearts for Easter. Our Family Worship kits for Easter will be available starting March 13th. Registration is required. Watch for a registration link on the CloughKids Facebook page or register today by clicking here.

Join us for a fundraising taco lunch following morning worship on Sunday, March 13th. The suggested donation is $8 / person or $25 / family and can be donated in person that day or online at www.cloughpike.com/give. All proceeds from this lunch will go to help our children and youth attend discipleship camp this summer. Help us to plan appropriately by making a reservation for your family here.
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