Jesus is the Great I AM
Exodus 3:14; John 6:35, 8:12, 8:56-58, 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6
Family Discussion Questions
- Who is Jesus?
- What are some ways Jesus defines himself as I AM?
- When can we know that Jesus is who He claims to be?
- Where in the Bible can we see Jesus backing up these I AM statements with what He did?
- Why would the I AM statements seemed like riddles to the people hearing them? Why do they seem like riddles to us?
- How can we understand the I AM statements of Jesus?
- Which of the I AM statements Jesus makes means the most to you as who you know Jesus to be for you? Why?
- Choose one I AM statement and memorize it this week. Maybe turn it into a little song or make some motions.
Additional Resources
Song – “Great I AM” by New Life Worship
Play Charades – Take turns pretending to be someone famous. Other members of the family try to guess who you are. Talk about how while you were pretending to be someone else. Jesus’ I AM statements are 100% true.

Family Worship Kits for Advent are designed to help your family spend some time together discussing God’s Word and enjoying some related activities as we walk toward Christmas day.
Each kit has enough materials for the whole family to enjoy. Our Advent kits this year will be wrapped as a set of gifts and will include four boxes corresponding to the weeks of Advent and then there will also be a special Christmas box making each stack 5 “gifts” high. Each week’s box contains two days worth of Scripture reading, a song, prayer starters and an activity. The materials and directions to complete all of the activities will be included as well.
Register today to reserve a box for your family.
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