Sunday as a Starting Place 11/14/21
Jesus Teaches on Prayer Matthew 6:5-13 Family Discussion Questions Who can pray?What is prayer?When does God hear our prayers? Where do we see prayer in the Bible?Why would Jesus teach us how to pray?How can we be mindful about not just making a prayer a "wish list"? Which part of the model prayer sticks out most to you?Choose to put reminders to pray around your house this week. Then when you...
Sunday as a Starting Place 11/7/21
Jesus is the Great I AM Exodus 3:14; John 6:35, 8:12, 8:56-58, 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6 Family Discussion Questions Who is Jesus?What are some ways Jesus defines himself as I AM?When can we know that Jesus is who He claims to be?Where in the Bible can we see Jesus backing up these I AM statements with what He did?Why would the I AM statements seemed like riddles to the people hearing them? Why...
Sunday as a Starting Place 10/31/21
True Discipleship Matthew 16:24-27; Matthew 22:34-40; John 8:31-38; Luke 9:23-24; John 13:34–35 Family Discussion Questions Who can be a disciple of Christ?What does it mean to be a disciple?When does someone become a true disciple?Where do disciples find their example of how to go about life?Why would anyone want to be a disciple of Christ?How does being a disciple of Christ make us different...
Sunday as a Starting Place 10/24/21
Jesus is the Christ Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20 or Luke 8:4–15 Family Discussion Questions Who do you say Jesus is?What does it mean to you that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God? When did you first realize that Jesus truly was the Son of God?Where do we see in Scripture that Jesus as the Son of God is true?Why did Jesus ask the disciples who other people were saying He was?How can...
Sunday as a Starting Place 10/17/21
Feeding of the 5,000 John 6:1-15; Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-43; Luke 9:10-17 Family Discussion Questions Who were these people who were following Jesus? Why would they have been following Him?What seems to be the problem?When is a time when you faced what seemed to be an impossible situation and God came through in a big way?Where do the disciples place their faith?Why would Jesus take the...
Sunday as a Starting Place 10/10/21
Jesus Sends Out the 12 Matthew 10:1-15, Mark 6:7-12 Family Discussion Questions Who was to go out?What did Jesus tell them to do?When do we need to go out?Where do the disciples get their authority from?Why would Jesus want to send out the disciples instead of keeping them with Him?How do we see God use us when we go out?Which part of Jesus' instructions would be the hardest for you? No payment?...
Sunday as a Starting Place 10/3/21
Jesus Casts Out Demons Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-17, Mark 1:29-39, Matthew 9:32-34, Mark 7:24-30, Luke 9:37-43* Family Discussion Questions Who is more powerful - Jesus or the demons?What problems did the demons cause?When do the demons obey?Where does Jesus get his authority from?Why would Jesus want these demons to flee?How do we see God's love for people in these situations?We talked about...
Sunday as a Starting Place 9/26/21
The Sower and the Seed Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20 or Luke 8:4–15 Family Discussion Questions Who is is telling this parable?What is a sower? Is there anything that we sow in our lives?When does seed produce grain? How does this fit with people hearing God's word?Where does the seed fall?Why would Jesus speak in parables?How can we learn from the parables in the Bible?Which type of soil are you...
Sunday as a Starting Place 9/19/21
Jesus has Authority Matthew 12:1-32 Family Discussion Questions Who is Jesus?What does the word authority mean?When do we as people fall under authority?Where in the scriptures can you see Jesus using the authority He has as God?Why do you think that people questioned Jesus' authority?How can we acknowledge Jesus' authority in our own lives?Jesus had authority over the weather, water, demons,...
Sunday as a Starting Place 9/12/21
Jesus Warns Against Judging Matthew 7:1-5 Family Discussion Questions Who is the only righteous judge?What are some different ways in which we judge people?When does judging others or other things cause a problem?Where have you seen someone judge someone else? How were they being judgmental?Why do you think that Jesus warns us not to judge others?How does our own sin matter?Which attributes of...