Sunday as a Starting Place 3/27/22
Paul Preaches Ephesians 1:1–14, 4:17–24; Titus 1:1–2:10 Family Discussion Questions Who have you heard preach? Where were you? What does it mean to preach? How was what Paul did preaching?When Paul preached, what were some of his topics?Where does preaching take place today? How is that the same or different from the time of Paul?Why would someone preach?How can we distinguish between someone...
Sunday as a Starting Place 3/20/22
Paul's Missionary Journeys Acts 15:36–16:15, 16:19–34; Acts 15:36–16:15, 16:19–34 Family Discussion Questions Who is Paul? What do we already know about him?What is a missionary journey?When is something considered a missionary journey? Is it the same or different from a mission trip?Where can we go on missionary journeys to today? What about during Paul's time?Why is it important that Paul went...
Sunday as a Starting Place 3/13/22
Paul’s Early Ministry & Jerusalem Council Acts 14:1–20, 14:24–28, 15:1–35; Galatians 2:15–21, 5:1–6, 5:13–26 Family Discussion Questions Who worked with Paul in his early ministry? Who do you work with to share the gospel?What type of reception did Paul receive as he entered new areas and shared the gospel?When our message of the gospel is not well received, what can we do?Where do you go...
Sunday as a Starting Place 3/6/22
Peter Goes to the Gentiles Acts 10:1–48; Leviticus 11 Family Discussion Questions Who are the gentiles? Is there any group of people who you could compare to this group today?What does it mean for us that Peter took the gospel to the gentiles?When did Peter go to the gentiles? How did he know it was time?Where do we need to go with the gospel?Why was it such a big deal that Peter was going to...
Sunday as a Starting Place 2/27/22
Saul is Converted Acts 9:1–31, 26:9–18; 2 Corinthians 11:23–28 Family Discussion Questions Who is Saul? Think about everything you know.What happened to Saul's name?When did you meet Jesus? How is this similar or different from Saul?Where did you meet Jesus?Why was Ananias concerned about meeting Saul?How did Saul's life change? What about your life?Which emotions do you think Saul felt during...
Family Workshop Resources
Resources This list includes all of the items that CloughKids has in our Calm Room as well as tools recommended by Vanessa Wellendorf. It is an Amazon wish list simply because that was the best way for us to bring them all together. Canva is a phenomenal resource for making reward charts, picture schedules, social stories and much more. It is free to register an account and to use the free...
Sunday as a Starting Place 2/20/22
Christians are Persecuted Acts 4:1–31, 6:8–15, 7:51–60 Family Discussion Questions Who could experience persecution?What are some different ways that people can persecute another person? What are some ways we could respond to persecution?When did the persecution of Christians begin?Where does persecution happen today?Why does persecution happen?How can we be praying for the Christians who are...
Sunday as a Starting Place 2/13/22
The Holy Spirit Comes John 16:5–15; Acts 2:1–24; Ephesians 1:13–14; Galatians 5:22–23 Family Discussion Questions Who is the Holy Spirit available to?What is the Holy Spirit?When did the Holy Spirit begin to exist? How do you know?Where did the Holy Spirit fall on the disciples?Why did the Holy Spirit come?How does the Holy Spirit work now?Which emotions well up in you when you think about the...
Sunday as a Starting Place 2/6/22
C's of History - Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation Genesis 1:1, 1:31, 2:17, 3:6–7; 7:11–12, 7:18–23, 11:1–9; Matthew 1:21–23; Colossians 1:19–22; Revelation 21:1–4; Romans 5:12; John 19:17–18 Family Discussion Questions Who should find that the C's of History matter? Why?What are the 7 C's of History?When did each "C" happen?Where can we find each of the...
Sunday as a Starting Place 1/30/22
Jesus Appears and Ascends Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 26:9-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:11-29 Family Discussion Questions Who saw Jesus before he ascended? Who watched the ascension happen?What was the reaction of those who heard about Jesus' appearing but didn't see it?When did Thomas finally believe?Where all did Jesus appear to people?Why did Jesus give the disciples a task before he ascended? Are...