Sunday as a Starting Place 6/5/22
Living in Submission James 4:7-10; Romans 8:1-11 Family Discussion Questions Who are we called to submit to?What does it look like to live in submission?When should we not submit?Where do we see people in the Bible submit? Where do we see them stand up against authority? What is the difference?Why do we submit to God?How can submission look like strength?Which part of living a life of submission...
Sunday as a Staring Place 5/29/22
Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 1 Peter 4:10-11 Family Discussion Questions Who has God given spiritual gifts to?What kinds of gifts does He give?When should we use our gifts from God?Where do we various people in the Bible using their gifts?Why should we use the gifts we have been give?How can you use your particular gift to glorify God?Which gifts do you see in each member of your...
Sunday as a Starting Place 5/22/22
Freedom versus Legalism Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 3:10-14, 2:16 Family Discussion Questions Who can in the Bible was caught up in legalism? Who can get caught up in it today?What is does legalism look like?When do things become legalistic?Where can we go to break the chains of legalism?Why is legalism not the true gospel?How can we find freedom?Which do you prefer freedom of legalism? Why?...
Sunday as a Starting Place 5/15/22
Armor of God John 14:15; Matthew 22:37–39; Ephesians 6:13–17 Family Discussion Questions Who can put on the armor of God?What do we need the armor for?When should we put on the armor of God?Where can we go to get the armor of God?Why do we need armor?How do each of the pieces of armor protect us?Which piece of armor do you like the most? Why?Discuss personal prayer lives. When do you pray? Do...
Sunday as a Starting Place 5/8/22
Church as Community 1 Corinthians 1:10–13 Family Discussion Questions Who is part of your community?What is a community?When does a church function as a community?Where can we find community? Why do we need a community?How does a community support one another?Which people in our church make it feel like a community? How can we as a family make sure we are part of this list?Take some time to pray...
Sunday as a Starting Place 5/1/22
Prayer Philippians 4:6–7 Family Discussion Questions Who can pray? Who does God hear as they pray?What is prayer?When should we pray?Where do we see prayer changing things? In our lives? In the Bible?Why do we pray?How can our prayers be answered?Which answer to prayer is the hardest for you? Why?Discuss personal prayer lives. When do you pray? Do you have a something that helps you to focus?...
Sunday as a Starting Place 4/24/22
Faith versus Works Ephesians 2:8; Philippians 2:13 Family Discussion Questions Who does good works?What kinds of things are good works? What is faith?When do good works show our faith? When do we use good works in place of faith?Where can we as a family find ways to show our faith through our good works?Why does it matter whether we have faith or if we just use good works? Why do so many people...
Sunday as a Starting Place 4/17/22
Resurrection Mark 16:5-7; Luke 24:2-3; Matthew 28:1-10; John 20:1-10 Family Discussion Questions Who saw Jesus on the day of his resurrection?What other teaching began to make sense after the resurrection? [think about passages that foreshadow]When did the disciples finally believe He was risen?Where was the heavy stone when the women arrived? How?Why would this event have been so confusing to...
Sunday as a Starting Place 4/10/22
Identity in Christ Acts 17:16–34; 1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5, 3:5–9; Galatians 2:7–8; Romans 8:1–17; Ephesians 1:3–14; 1 Peter 1:1–9 Family Discussion Questions Who are we? Think of all of the things you are? Who are you in Christ?What is the difference between who the world says you are and who Christ says you are?When did you first realize you had an identity in Christ?Where can we find some...
Sunday as a Starting Place 4/3/22
Paul's Journey to Rome Acts 15:36–16:15, 16:19–34 Family Discussion Questions Who does Paul want to speak to in Rome? What does this show you about who Paul is? When have you seen someone be bold about their faith? Share the story. Where can we go and share about Jesus?Why does Paul want to go to Rome?How can we be bold in sharing the gospel?Which places in our world are you interested in going...