Feeding of the 5,000
John 6:1-15; Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-43; Luke 9:10-17
Family Discussion Questions
- Who were these people who were following Jesus? Why would they have been following Him?
- What seems to be the problem?
- When is a time when you faced what seemed to be an impossible situation and God came through in a big way?
- Where do the disciples place their faith?
- Why would Jesus take the time to give thanks for the little they had?
- How can we learn from this account?
- Which part of this miracle is most incomprehensible to you? Why?
- Choose to stop and thank God today for the things you do have instead of focusing on what is missing. Do this as a family.
Additional Resources
Click here for a fun video of a song sung by puppets to retell the story.
Christ showed His love for the people. Between the love shown and the food, it reminded me of the song we used to sing as kids “His Banner Over Me is Love.” You can find the lyrics to this song here.
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